Lady in Red!

Hi Blog Friends! How are you? I hope you're happy and healthy. It really is a weird state of limbo at the moment, isn't it? On the one hand, the schools are open, so life almost feels like things are returning to normal, but on the other hand, my work hasn't re-opened yet due to covid-19 health concerns! There are some businesses and members of the public that seem to be enacting strict social distancing practices and others seem not to care at all! It is such a confusing time! At least during these unstable times, there is always fashion! Being creative and wearing bright and colourful outfits, adds joy to my day. It is something that we have control over and something that can bring us comfort in a weary world. Red has been the colour I've worn quite a lot of recently. Red symbolizes strength, determination, passion and love. It is the perfect colour for these times! Here are two red outfits I've worn very ...