Style: What does it mean to you?

Fashion styles: preppy, punk, bohemian, rocker, classic, feminine, grunge, trendy etc.........

The list of fashion styles is endless. Some people identify readily with certain styles and when asked: "What is your style?" can answer definitively.  

I actually find the issue of style to be more complex and multi-faceted. To me, style is a way to express your own unique and individual personality.  That sounds simple enough, right? Wrong!πŸ˜‰The thing is, people rarely fit nicely into one neat category of style, personality, identity or anything! 

As people we are constantly evolving, as is our style. When I was at university (the first time) I experimented with many styles: punk, boho and goth. Yes, goth! The interesting thing is that at each point in time, the style I wore felt authentic and suited me at the time.

Of course there are certain fashion styles that I gravitate towards more than others and I guess if I had to define my style, I could say it's partly boho, with a twist of rocker and quirk! Whatever that means!πŸ˜‰

The problem with labels though, is they can be very limiting and assume that we can be classified nicely into a box. Also, sometimes the way I dress differs depending on the day! My mood, the weather, the occasion and the specific situation all influence what I wear and by extension, my style, or more accurately, the perception of my style.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I believe my style is my style and even if it's influenced by trends or certain styles, it is mine and I am me. The same way your style is your style and you are you

What does style mean to you?  Do you define your style? If yes, how do you define it? Is your style always changing or does it stay the same? Let me know! I'd love to hear from you!

Thank you for visiting my blog! XXX


  1. I'm a jeans and t-shirt girl in real life but I love looking at magazines & blogs for inspiration!

    1. I love looking at magazines and blogs too, Carly! So fun! XXX

  2. My style has definitely changed over the years that's for sure! Thankfully I don't still dress how I did in the 80s with leg warmers & ra ra skirts with crimped hair! LOL

    1. Haha! That brings back some memories! I loved crimping my hair too! Haha XXX


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